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Barlborough Hall School
Design Fade


Parents Information

Term Dates 2024-2025

  • Tuesday 27th August 

    Wednesday 28th August 

    Thursday 29th August 

    Friday 30th August 

    Monday 2nd September 

    Friday 18th October 

    Sunday 3rd November 

    Monday 4th November 

    Friday 13th December 

    New Staff Induction 

    Whole Staff INSET

    Whole Staff INSET

    Upper Elements Induction / Staff INSET / Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes 

    Term Ends / Boarders Depart

  • Staff INSET / Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes 

    End of Term 4pm BHS / 4.30pm MSM / Boarders Depart

    Monday 6th January 

    Tuesday 7th January

    Friday 14th February

    Sunday 23rd February

    Monday 24th February

    Friday 11th April

  • Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes

    End of Term 2pm / Boarders Depart

    Whole Staff INSET

    Sunday 27th April

    Monday 28th April

    Friday 23rd May

    Sunday 1st June

    Monday 2nd June

    Friday 4th July

    Monday 7th July

Term Dates 2025-2026

  • Friday 29th August 

    Monday 1st September

    Tuesday 2nd September

    Wednesday 3rd September

    Thursday 4th September

    Friday 17th October 

    Sunday 2nd November 

    Monday 3rd November 

    Friday 12th December 

    New Staff Induction 

    Whole Staff INSET

    Whole Staff INSET

    Upper Elements Induction / Staff INSET / Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes 

    Term Ends / Boarders Depart

  • Staff INSET / Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes 

    End of Term 4pm BHS / 4.30pm MSM / Boarders Depart

    Monday 5th January 

    Tuesday 6th January

    Friday 13th February

    Sunday 22nd February

    Monday 23rd February

    Friday 27th March

  • Boarders Return

    Term Begins - All Year Groups

    Half Term Ends / Boarders Depart

    Boarders Return

    Term Resumes

    End of Term 2pm / Boarders Depart

    Monday 13th April

    Tuesday 14th April

    Friday 22nd May

    Sunday 31st May

    Monday 1st June

    Friday 3rd July


  • *Blazer

    *Plaid skirt or mid-grey trousers

    *V-neck navy pullover (optional)

    *College tie

    Long sleeved blue shirts (winter)

    Short sleeved blue shirts (summer)

    Long sleeved white shirts (best dress)

    Navy knee socks

    Navy blue or barely black nylon tights

    Dark socks for trousers

    Waterproof coat


    On special occasions, students will be asked to wear ‘best dress’ which means their suit and white shirt/blouse.

    Skirts should be no shorter than knee length and trousers should be straight leg or regular fit.


    *purchasable from the School Shop

  • Dark coloured formal tailored suits (with skirt or trousers)

    Plain shirts/blouses

    V-neck dark coloured pullover (optional)

    Ties (boys)

    Dark socks

    Navy/black tights

    Black polishable shoes (max 1.5 inch heel)


    The Head of Sixth Form and boarding staff will determine what is not suitable or appropriate clothing for Sixth

    Form students. If unsure, please contact the Head of Sixth Form or Head of Boarding before purchasing.

  • Items marked with (*) must be purchased from our Sports Kit supplier, Hardgear.


    *Club Mid Layer

    *Track Pants

    *Reversible Games Shirt (MTO)

    *Club Dry Tee

    *Rugby Shorts

    *Club Contact Top 

    *Games Socks (MTO)

    White trainer / ankle / tube socks

    Indoor / outdoor trainers

    Rugby boots / Football boots (IRB regulation studs)


    *Club Mid Layer

    *Track Pants

    *Games Shirt (MTO)

    *Club Dry Tee

    *Club Rain Jacket

    *Club PE Short or Short

    *Girl's Leggings

    *Games Socks (MTO)

    White trainer / ankle / tube socks

    Indoor / outdoor trainers

    Hockey astro trainers


    Shin guard

    Mouth guard

Barlborough Hall School Uniform

Please see the family handbook for information on our School uniform at Barlborough Hall School.

Travel Map


Leave the school run to our team of professional drivers who operate a fleet of 10 private minibuses throughout term time.

Our Transport team safely and conveniently collect and return children from Chesterfield, Doncaster, Mansfield, Matlock, Sheffield and Worksop. This popular service is available to pupils at Mount St Mary’s College and Barlborough Hall School.


Contact the team directly to enquire about availability on any of the routes by visiting our travel booking system.

Mount Calendar

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