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The Festival of Sport 2024

We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to all Old Mountaineers, staff, friends, and their families for a day of festivity at our 'Festival of Sport' on Saturday, 6th July 2024. This event is not just a celebration of the Mount's rich sporting history but also an exciting glimpse into our future plans, highlighting our commitment to keeping sport as the heart of what we do.


The festivities kick off at midday with OM matches featuring rugby and hockey, played in a league format that promises excitement and competition. The rugby matches will be 10-a-side, while the hockey matches will see teams of 7-a-side in a shortened format. We will also feature Veterans touch rugby and hockey, creating a dynamic and inclusive atmosphere on the field.


What makes this event truly special is the presence of former members of staff, including distinguished individuals like Mr Ged Glynn, Mr Geoff Wappet, Mr Paul Scott, Mr John Hopkins, and Mr Dylan Campbell, among others. Their participation adds a nostalgic touch and a shared sense of history to the day.


After the tournament, the celebration continues into the evening from 6pm with a festival-style gathering on the Jesuit Lawn. Food and drinks stalls will line the area, creating a vibrant atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. The stage will come alive with live music featuring bands starring Old Mountaineers from across the decades, offering the perfect backdrop for old friends and colleagues to mingle and share fond memories of their time at The Mount.


Accommodation is available in the school for attendees and their families, but rooms are being booked quickly, so we would urge those interested to secure their booking quickly.


Don't miss out on this fantastic day of sports, camaraderie, and celebration. For more details and to stay updated on the event, visit our dedicated page at


Come, join us, and be a part of the Mount's history in the making!

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